
In the European Union, a woman dies of breast cancer every 7.5 minutes. In Asia, OVER 50% of breast cancer cases are discovered at a stage when a woman has only 30% chance of survival.

To change this, we have developed the AILIS early breast cancer detection technology.

Breast cancer acts quickly

Cancer is a chronic disease. It may develop for up to 10 years before any symptoms are noticed and The only method to give a woman a 100% chance to survive is to detect it early. However,  the number of radiologists all over the world is  insufficient and the  traditional screening methods take to long to detect anomalies in dense breasts. The problem becomes global and cannot be  ignored any longer.


This is why, for more than a decade, a technology has been developed that enables monitoring  breast condition and predicts the probability of cancer. Effective and safe.

AILIS Breast cancer

The scale of the problem

USA: 43 %
Europe: 46 %
China: 65 %
  • 43

    Of women in the world have a dense breast structure

  • 70

    For so many of them screening mammography is ineffective

  • 34

    Of women die of breast cancer

What is the AILIS technology?

  • It’s a touchless revolution

    AILIS is a technology that allows for monitoring the condition of dense breasts in completely comfortable conditions: without touch, compression or harmful radiation. It is a revolution that guarantees comfort, safety and respect to all women, regardless of their religion or culture.


    Artificial intelligence for real life

    This revolutionary system of medical imagining diagnostics uses an advanced AI algorithm developed by the data analytics professors.

    AILIS is a breast diagnostics tool that also predicts the possibility of cancerous changes—which  traditional screening tests are unable to provide.


    AILIS is simply the future

    The problem of so called dense breasts, which are very demanding to diagnose, has become such a big challenge that in the USA it is mandatory to inform women that their breasts have an increased tissue density and, as a result, mammography may be ineffective in their case.

    AILIS is the answer to this problem, as it responds immediately where mammography needs years.


    Approximately 43% of women all over the world have dense breast structure. This means that nearly half of the female population has limited access to an efficient method allowing for early cancer detection.

The benefits:



    The whole diagnosis and obtaining the result takes only 15 minutes.

  • AILIS Breast cancer


    AI and automation guarantee an ultra-precise result.

  • AILIS Breast cancer


    No compression, no radiation, no touch. Safe and comfortable.

Why is our solution important for women?

  • The breast exam was completely painless, and I was able to relax during it. The music playing was pleasant and soothing, and the lady who conducted the exam was very helpful.

  • I recall the breast exam as it was completely touch-free, which is important to me since as I feel a bit uncomfortable when touched during medical exams. I highly recommend it to any woman who has issues with being touched and undressed during exams, as the comfort level is exceptional. I felt like I being in a futuristic capsule.

  • I was surprised that no one violated my personal space or touched me during the breast exam. I liked sitting in a comfortable position in a dimly lit room with relaxing music. I think it's a great idea for women to stop by for a breast exam while shopping, because it's so important nowadays.

  • As a software developer, I know perfectly well that artificial intelligence has an increasing impact on our lives. I believe that we should also use it for medical purposes. Am I afraid of this? Honestly, no. I think it gives a lot of opportunities and helps in everyday, routine situations.

  • The person who took care of me during the breast exam was very kind. Nobody touched any part of my body in a way I wouldn’t have wanted. You can check your breasts completely touch-free, without exposing yourself to any radiation or other kinds of invasive procedures.


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