Naszą misją jest zapewnienie kobietom o gęstych piersiach dostępu do skutecznych i komfortowych badań obrazowych wykrywających wczesne oznaki raka piersi oraz do kompleksowej opieki monitorującej stan zdrowia.
AILIS values
At AILIS, we share common values and principles that guide us in our daily work. To protect the health of millions of women in an honest, responsible and respectful way. Never to lose our passion for science. And to develop a technology that is authentic in its mission, as well as a service that will become a synonym for caring.
Mission: What we do and why we do it
To provide women with dense breasts with access to effective and comfortable imaging tests to detect early symptoms of breast cancer, and with comprehensive health monitoring care.
Vision: What kind of world we are seeking to create
A world where technology and artificial intelligence help prevent breast cancer.
Currently, we are at the stage of meeting the requirements laid down by market regulators and preparing for clinical research in order to receive the necessary medical certificates.