AILIS is a pioneering technology. It combines Dynamic Parametric Imaging, artificial intelligence, and telemedicine to immediately detect symptoms of breast cancer and estimate the risk of developing the disease.

DPI - revolution in fighting breast cancer

Dynamic Parametric Imaging is a non-invasive, safe, and highly comfortable diagnosis method. The idea is to stimulate the flow of thermal energy through breast tissues. It allows to see the internal activity of these tissues and notice all, even potential, anomalies. This is because the difference between healthy and ill or endangered tissues is visible right away.

Key benefits

  • Precision

    Thanks to AI

  • Speed

    Thanks to telemedicine

  • Comfort

    Thanks to DPI

How it's working

  • AILIS gęste piersi

    See the cancer before it develops

    Breast tissue in which cancer is developing or has already developed has a noticeably different level of metabolism and blood supply. By comparing both breasts, we get a clear and unambiguous image of any, even if only potential, anomalies. It’s a super-precise technology that has potential to allows diagnosis at a stage when mammography is still completely helpless.

  • AILIS Breast cancer

    Artificial intelligence, real results

    Diagnosis results are analyzed in real time thanks to using advanced artificial intelligence algorithms.

    Using AI minimizes the possibility of incorrect diagnosis. This is because human factors are limited, which is a breakthrough for the future, especially considering the rapidly decreasing numbers of radiology experts.

A super-precise diagnosis in 15 minutes.

AILIS EXAMINATIONDuration 4 minutesRADIOLOGICAL CONSULTATIONAILIS NEURAL NETWORKData processing and analyzingSERVERSData collection & processingAPPOINTMENT SCHEDULING VIA MOBILE APPBreast monitoring plan and visit remindersTest results and monitoring plan available in smartphone app in 10 minutes 4 minUSERAILIS5%95%SUSPECTED ANOMALIESSUSPECTED ANOMALIES5%NO ANOMALIESTEST RESULTSTEST RESULTS
AILIS EXAMINATIONDuration 4 minutesAILIS NEURAL NETWORKData processing and analyzingSERVERSData collection & processingTest results and monitoring plan available in smartphone app in 10 minutes 4 min5%RADIOLOGICAL CONSULTATION95%APPOINTMENT SCHEDULING VIA MOBILE APPBReast monitoring plan and visit remindersTEST RESULTSTEST RESULTSAILISUSERNO ANOMALIESSUSPECTED ANOMALIES

AILIS innovations: the components

  • Ailis AI

    A neural network - every woman is most important

    Advanced algorithms analyze thousands of breast testing results, learning to recognize and differentiate between healthy and ill tissues. This is why artificial intelligence is capable of detecting even the slightest symptoms of anomalies and predict the possibility of their occurrence at a specific time.


    The system learns about the breasts of a particular woman, learns its structure, and develops an individual monitoring plan that allows for adjusting the frequency of testing to the needs of a particular woman.

  • AILIS aplikacja mobilna

    Telemedicine - when minutes count

    For women the most difficult part of screening is waiting for the results. Thanks to AILIS, this problem will be eliminated.


    An AILIS test, including getting the results, takes only 15 minutes. What is more, a woman will be able to remotely consult every worrying symptom with a radiologist within only 48 hours.


    Cancer does not wait, now we can outrun it.

  • AILIS aplikacja mobilna

    Our application - quick and on the spot

    A simple an well though-out application will enable quick registration, immediate review of test results, contact with specialists, and development of an individual breast monitoring plan.

  • See how the test is carried out in the AILIS device

Currently, we are at the stage of meeting the requirements of market regulators and preparing for clinical research to obtain the necessary medical certificates.

Questions? Contact us!

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